Prepare for release


Release-ready APK file is signed with your own certificate and it is optimized with the zipalign tool.

Gathering materials and resources

Cryptographic keys

The Android system requires that each installed application be digitally signed with a certificate that is owned by the application's developer (this is, a certificate for which the developer holds the private key). The Android system uses the certificate as a means of identifying the author of an application and establishing trust relationships between applications

Application icon

End User License Agreement (EULA)

Miscellaneous materials

Configuring Your Application for release

  • Choose a good package name
  • Turn off logging and debugging
  • Clean up your project directories
  • Review and update your manifest and Gradle build settings
  • Address compatibility issues
  • Update URLs for servers and services
  • Implement licensing (if you are releasing on Google Play)

Building Your application for release

Preparing external servers and resources

Testing your application for release