Version your app

Set application version information

  • versionCode - A positive integer used as an internal version number.
  • versionName - A string used as the version number shown to users.
android {
    defaultConfig {
        versionCode 2
        versionName "1.1"
    productFlavors {
        demo {
            versionName "1.1-demo"
        full {

Specify API level requirements

  • minSdkVersion - The minimum version of the Android platform on which the app will run.
  • targetSdkVersion - Specifies the API level on which the app is designed to run.
andorid {
    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 14
        targetSdkVerison 24
    productFlavers {
        main {
        afterLollipop {
            minSdkVersion 21